Mr. Victor S. Mchana
Principal/Secretary BOG
Kinango TVC is for those who are willing to tackle the planets emerging issues for a better present and expected future. All Kinango Trainers endeavor to inculcate sound moral values in our trainees so as to prepare them for life challenges. Kinango TVC is a flagship college set up to champion specific TVET courses as a Centre of excellence in research and technical training. To match performance to this esteemed status, we have had to set and strictly adhere to high standards. The college is now set to train, mold equip, and release all-around balanced graduates who will impact our ever-growing and dynamic technological world transformative. It is expected that as one of TVET colleges we reciprocate this gesture by intensifying creativity, quality teaching, and research in Technical Training. I salute all who have made KTVC what it is now and look forward to the future with renewed zeal and anticipation. Join us and be among the community that values ethnic inclusivity, promotes social cohesion and harmony, fosters transparency and accountability, and cares for the environment.
Thank you.